Serpent Jaw

sylvan River

Currently Reading:

Hekate SoteiraSarah Iles Johnston1990
Circle for HekateSorita D'Este2017
UzumakiJunji Ito1998
Nonbinary (they/them), Neurodivergent, 30 years old and the last, alongside a sibling, of many generations to inhabit the Appalachian region. I've felt a lifelong pull to witchcraft- creating altars and using plant medicine intuitively for many years before officially starting my path with witchcraft in 2013. A Devotee of Hekate and Devotee of the Covenant of Hekate where I am starting my path to become Torchbearer, I also Volunteer with the Covenant of Hekate's social media team.
The smell of old books, the sound of a crackling fire, moss underfoot, a whistling tea kettle, willows dancing in the breeze, the sound of windchimes, suncatchers.
I enjoy amateur photography, stargazing, wildlife watching, hiking/long walks, crochet, and playing games like dungeons and dragons in the company of my friends.


Entry I: Hymns
The importance of hymns to devotional practice can't be understated, especially when establishing a daily observance and worship. Memorizing a hymn from antiquity is valuable as we observe our chosen deity as one that has existed for what may be centuries. Honoring their worship from the past here in our modern lives can connect us to the energy of those devotees before us. This then brings us to the value of writing our own hymns to fit our observance in the now. Just as the hymns of antiquity tie us to the worship of antiquity, the hymns we write today encapsulate our worship as it is, on our current path. If we pass these hymns on this ties the future to us when we become part of the antiquity equation. I think the key to writing a good hymn is the incorporation of vital information or symbolism. In example, Hekate's three realms (Heaven, Earth, and Sea), this single idea can give you an excellent addition to your current devotional practice.

Mighty Hekate
You who holds the keys to
You who is honored amongst the deathless Gods
You who holds the keys to
You who I pray to most of all
I call to you


Feel free to contact me with any questions, please note that contacting me requires an email address, this will only be used for our correspondence. Spam, hate speech, and other unproductive contact will result in sender being blocked.

Covenant of Hekate

What is the Covenant of Hekate?

As the COH website quotes: "The Covenant of Hekate (CoH) is a diverse community of devotees who share a passion for the Goddess Hekate. In our work, we share a vision of the Goddess Hekate as 'Soteira' that is Saviour or Cosmic World Soul. At the same time we maintain our unique diversity of visions and experiences of this multi-faceted Goddess. We acknowledge Hekate’s long and varied history, her many attributions and the many cultures she touched both ancient and modern. Our study and practice is rooted in history."The Coventant of Hekate has 5 Virtues
-Compassion (towards all beings)
-Courage (in one's choices)
-Temperance (in one's soul)
-Justice (in one's actions)
-Wisdom (in one's words)
These virtues are similar to the Platonic Virtues of antiquity, and form a base of ethics within the Covenant, encouraging members to embody these virtues in our lives. Some may find some virtues more difficult and some quite simple. It is in this manner, I feel, that our service to the Goddess reflects how we see Hekate, and the things she brings to our lives.The Covenant of Hekate has presented me with an inclusive, accepting, community that continues to present to me opportunities of: devotion, learning and growing. From my attendance of "Hekate Symposium", involvement in Rites like "Rite of Her Sacred Fires", many study circles, access to mentorship, and volunteer work (like my efforts on the Social Media Team and a collaborative project that is "To be announced") I gain not only a better connection with my vision of the Goddess, but with a community of like minded and caring people, and skills that will benefit me personally for a lifetime. This community is a blessing to me, and I am very passionate about it. If it interests you, you can learn more on the COH website, linked below.

First Nations Development Institute

Taken Directly from the First Nations Development Institute website:"Our mission is to strengthen American Indian economies to support healthy Native communities. We invest in and create innovative institutions and models that strengthen asset control and support economic development for American Indian people and their communities.With the support of individuals, foundations, corporate and tribal donors, First Nations Development Institute improves economic conditions for Native Americans through technical assistance & training, advocacy & policy, and direct financial grants in multiple key areas:- Achieving Native Financial Empowerment
- Investing in Native Youth
- Strengthening Tribal & Community Institutions
- Nourishing Native Foods & Health
- Stewarding Native Lands
First Nations is the most highly-rated American Indian nonprofit in the nation. Indeed, every year since 2013, First Nations has received the top 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator. Learn more First Nations’ ratings and financial information.Founded in 1980, First Nations began its national grantmaking program in 1993. Through year-end 2023, we have successfully managed 3,385 grants totaling $79.9 million to Native American projects and organizations in 45 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territory American Samoa."

(please note: I am not affiliated with this organization, it's only one I seek to support)